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An open letter to Europe

PostPosted: Fri 2005 Feb 04 12:36
by Spock
Got this from one of my father's friends back on the 13th of December. Sorry for the delay but it's probably just as well. This will be one post I don't have totry to transfer from the old database. [:?]

- Herbert E. Meyer served during the Reagan administration as special assistant to the director of Central Intelligence and vice chairman of the CIA's National Intelligence Council. His new video is The Siege of Western Civilization.

Hi. Are you nuts?

Forgive me for being so blunt, but your reaction to our reelection of President Bush has been so outrageous that I'm wondering if you have quite literally lost your minds. One of Britain's largest newspapers ran a headline asking "How Can 59 Million Americans Be So Dumb?", and commentators in France all seemed to use the same word - bizarre -- to explain the election's outcome to their readers. In Germany the editors of Die Tageszeitung responded to our vote by writing that "Bush belongs at a war tribunal - not in the White House." And on a London radio talk show last week one Jeremy Hardy described our President and those of us who voted for him as "stupid, crazy, ignorant, bellicose Christian fundamentalists."

Of course, you are entitled to whatever views about us that you care to hold. (And lucky for you we Americans aren't like so many of the Muslims on your own continent; as the late Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh just discovered, make one nasty crack about them and you're likely to get six bullets pumped into your head and a knife plunged into your chest.) But before you write us off as just a bunch of sweaty, hairy-chested, Bible-thumping morons who are more likely to break their fast by dipping a Krispy Kreme into a diet cola than a biscotti into an espresso - and who inexplicably have won more Nobel prizes than all other countries combined, host 25 or 30 of the world's finest universities and five or six of the world's best symphonies, produce wines that win prizes at your own tasting competitions, have built the world's most vibrant economy, are the world's only military superpower and, so to speak in our spare time, have landed on the moon and sent our robots to Mars - may I suggest you stop frothing at the mouth long enough to consider just what are these ideas we hold that you find so silly and repugnant?

We believe that church and state should be separate, but that religion should remain at the center of life. We are a Judeo-Christian culture, which means we consider those ten things on a tablet to be commandments, not suggestions. We believe that individuals are more important than groups, that families are more important than governments, that children should be raised by their parents rather than by the State, and that marriage should take place only between a man and a woman. We believe that rights must be balanced by responsibilities, that personal freedom is a privilege we must be careful not to abuse, and that the rule of law cannot be set aside when it becomes inconvenient. We believe in economic liberty, and in the right of purposeful and industrious entrepreneurs to run their businesses - and thus create jobs - with a minimum of government interference. We recognize that other people see things differently, and we are tolerant of their views. But we believe that our country is worth defending, and if anyone decides that killing us is an okay thing to do we will go after them with everything we've got.

If these beliefs seem strange to you, they shouldn't. For these are precisely the beliefs that powered Western Europe - you -- from the Middle Ages into the Renaissance, on to the Enlightenment, and forward into the modern world. They are the beliefs that made Europe itself the glory of Western civilization and - not coincidentally - ignited the greatest outpouring of art, literature, music and scientific discovery the world has ever known including Michaelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Shakespeare, Bach, Issac Newton and Descartes.

Europe is Dying

It is your abandonment of these beliefs that has created the gap between Europe and the United States. You have ceased to be a Judeo-Christian culture, and have become instead a secular culture. And a secular culture quickly goes from being "un-religious" to anti-religious. Indeed, your hostility to the basic concepts of Judaism and Christianity has literally been written into your new European Union constitution, despite the Pope's heroic efforts to the contrary.

Your rate of marriage is at an all-time low, and the number of abortions in Europe is at an all-time high. Indeed, your birth rates are so far below replacement levels that in 30 years or so there will be 70 million fewer Europeans alive than are alive today. Europe is literally dying. And of the children you do manage to produce, all too few will be raised in stable, two-parent households.

Your economy is stagnant because your government regulators make it just about impossible for your entrepreneurs to succeed - except by fleeing to the United States, where we welcome them and celebrate their success.

And your armed forces are a joke. With the notable exception of Great Britain, you no longer have the military strength to defend yourselves. Alas, you no longer have the will to defend yourselves.

What worries me even more than all this is your willful blindness. You refuse to see that it is you, not we Americans, who have abandoned Western Civilization. It's worrisome because, to tell you the truth, we need each other. Western Civilization today is under siege, from radical Islam on the outside and from our own selfish hedonism within. It's going to take all of our effort, our talent, our creativity and, above all, our will to pull through. So take a good, hard look at yourselves and see what your own future will be if you don't change course. And please, stop sneering at America long enough to understand it. After all, Western Civilization was your gift to us, and you ought to be proud of what we Americans have made of it.

PostPosted: Fri 2005 Feb 04 6:27
by skt
Thanks Spock, I really enjoyed this one.

I think perhaps Romania is one of the last standing countries in Europe that still admires and respects the USA. I know that isn't saying much, but it works for me here [:)]

PostPosted: Fri 2005 Feb 04 6:37
by Spock
Good for you then. [:)]

If we can recover selected posts from our old database, there are several more similar to this one. If not, I guess I could just copy mine over one at a time ... what a pain! [:O]

A "European's" (incomplete) response

PostPosted: Fri 2005 Feb 04 7:31
by Luke
As a Brit (and a European I guess) I was a little shocked at peoples reactions here to the election, but was even more shocked at the retalitation from across the Atlantic, I think this is one of the milder responses that I have read. It does raise several good points though.

The erosion of a stable, family based society has increased as laws have become more liberal. However, Christianity is not religion, nor is it the law given in the bible. Should Christian ethics and laws be applied to a society which doesn't understand the reasons behind them? Or should they be forced upon them because they are the basis for stable society? (as this was the whole reason Moses was given the 10 commandments). This is a question I as one of very few Christians in this country have struggled with. [:X]

We believe that ...

I agree with most of that, but do all Americans? [;)]

host ... five or six of the world's best symphonies

Ooh the San Diego Symphony Orchestra, they're very good. Do a better Beethoven 9th than the Berlin Phil, they tend to go a bit over the top. Ah and the San Fransisco SO, they did that gig with Metallica in '99. But what about the LSO? SS0? The BBCSO? BBCCO? BBCSSO? Acadamy of St. Martin in the Fields? Acadamy of Ancient music? Don't forget us! We may not have the composers but we have the performers! [cg]

Europe is Dying

Actually - yes, except in Essex where the rate of teenage pregnancy is highest in all developed countries. [:?]

With the notable exception of Great Britain, you no longer have the military strength to defend yourselves.

[mrg] [mrg] [mrg] But not for long, the Army is over funded and the Navy and RAF are seriously underfunded. Sweden have a fairly decent military, Switzerland wouldn't do too badly as they have mandatory service for all men, and still employ conscription. Oh yes, the pride of the USAAF, the (British built) Harrier [;)] . F-16 is nice though [:D]

PostPosted: Fri 2005 Feb 04 10:38
by Spock
Welcome aboard Luke and thanks for the comments. [:)]

BTW, one of the BIG bosses here (Site Admin) is a Brit. [;)]

PostPosted: Sun 2005 Feb 06 6:00
by punkin8tor
That was a really good letter. I think (if it is ok) I will send that url to a few friends of mine. They should definitely read it. :)

PostPosted: Sun 2005 Feb 06 8:55
by Spock
punkin8or wrote:... (if it is ok) ...

Why wouldn't it be? This is a public forum and anything published on the Internet as public is free to read at least.

PostPosted: Mon 2005 Feb 07 10:12
by punkin8tor
Just making sure. I would rather have permission than make a big mistake!

PostPosted: Tue 2005 Feb 08 2:23
by GingerSnap
Thanks for sharing this letter which was excellent. I, too, was amazed and dismayed at Europe's angry reactions to our election results.
'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' is the sense I get from it. (Will try and elaborate if necessary)

PostPosted: Sat 2005 Feb 12 6:56
by Uhura
The response to Bush's re-election from Europe didn't really surprise me too is a shame that everyone cannot get along better despite our differences. I am certainly grateful for the freedoms I enjoy and deeply respect our armed forces who fight for our protection every day. Never forget the lessons of history or you are doomed to repeat them...remember Pearl Harbor and 9/11...freedom comes at a price.