Horses, Riding & Tactics

written by: Pevil


Benefits of Horse Riding

So what benefits do I get from a mount?

If you see a horse, hover the mouse over it and you will see a window with the horses stats. These are the benefits of horses. Different horses have different stats, and so you can shop around to get the best one for you. There are four main benefits that you will want to look at. As a general rule, higher level horses will have higher benefits.
Speed: Whilst you can get to 220 speed on foot, this is your limit. Horses however can get a base speed of 220 and then have extra added to that by bridles/saddles, allowing you to move even faster. This makes them great for rushing through areas to complete quests or running away from monsters that are about to kill you in hardcore mode! Generally a horse with high speed will give a smaller bonus protection than a same-level horse with slower speed.
Charge: The horse has its own attack, the charge. To get this, simply equip either a combo or a "Cannot be used from horseback" CA and it will give you a horse icon instead of the combo/ca one. Use it like a normal CA and the horse will gain an aura for a duration of time. In this time, if you charge at an enemy, you will both damage it and stun it briefly. This can be used in many ways, for example stunning enemies as you make an escape, or simply just stunning half of a big group while you weaken the other half with regular attacks.
Hitpoint Increase: Horses in Underworld share their hitpoints with you. Each horse has a % shown; obviously a higher number means you will get a greater addition to your hitpoints. Because horses share hitpoints with you, they can be cured by drinking a potion whilst sitting on them. They can be poisoned as well, so keep antidotes on you or let it wear off. Note: sometimes by using life leech, it is possible for you to 'return from the dead'; however this will only work on your character and this is the only time you will escape death but your horse won't. This bonus stacks with Constitution for an even better bonus.
Protection Bonus: Each horse gives you a protection bonus to each of the four types of damage. Choosing your horse well based on this can be very useful; for example if you yourself have low poison resistance, buy a horse that has a fairly high poison resistance to reduce your weakness a bit. Some horses have similar resistances to all damage types, others will have high bonuses to one or two whilst the others are much lower. Generally, but not always, horses with higher protection bonuses will be slower. The numbers that you actually see on the horse are in fact what your resistances will be if you buy and mount this horse, so check them against your existing resistances. (I'm currently researching this as I'm not entirely certain this observation is true anymore; check back for updates).

As well as these, there are less obvious benefits. For example, a Battle Mage can simply run round and fire off his spells without stopping. Simply right click when you reach the area you want to cast the spell, and as long as you keep the mouse well in front of the horse, you will not even pause to cast the spell. Saves your fragile BM getting caught up in the middle of 20 nasty orcs!

The same goes for ranged characters; it is possible to left click on an enemy to attack it, then very quickly move off the enemy and left click somewhere on the ground. If you do it fast enough and keep the second left click held in, you can effectively ride in circles around large mobs of enemies, firing arrows/bolts into them the whole time whilst avoiding their own arrows and staying out of melee range.

Seraphims also get a huge benefit as their attack speed is increased on horseback whether they are using magic, melee OR ranged. No other characters seem to get this benefit on all three types of combat, although many of them do gain a benefit to one. For information on this check out Knights Mounted Sera Guides.

When you get on a horse, your attack rating drops significantly to ~2/3 of the unmounted value. Riding improves this, at level ~25 Riding (enough to use the Heavy Warhorse) the mounted Attack Rating is only ~98% of the unmounted value. (thanks to Llama8) You'll be equally good on horseback as on foot at level 32 riding, and above that you'll actually have more benefits to attack.

What is the point of Riding in Underworld?

There are horses you can buy that require 0 riding skill, so why should you bother to take the riding skill in the first place? As you increase your riding skill, you gain the following improvements:

  • Higher level horses are available for you to ride, giving you access to more beneficial mounts (i.e. higher base stats).
  • Charge damage of your mount is increased.
  • Charge duration of your mount is increased.
  • Attack is improved (i.e. how likely you are to hit the monster from horseback).
  • For actual values please check the page here.


Mount Care

How can I improve my mount?

  • The easiest way to improve it is to buy a new, higher level one whenever you see it. Generally with a higher level you get higher base charge damage/duration, hitpoint increase, protection bonuses and speed, although these do differ horse to horse.

  • It is possible to get a higher level horse that is slower with higher protection. The other way to improve them is saddles or bridles. You can only equip your horse with one of these at a time, but they can provide many modifiers, most common being Attack Speed or Movement Speed. They also add to protection bonus for your horse.

  • There are even unique saddles available. To equip a saddle, simply right click it when it's in your inventory. With Underworld it is also possible now for you to remove the saddle without having to swap it with another one. Simply hold in 'Ctrl' and right-click on the horse shoe shown on your character portrait, and the saddle will appear back in your inventory.

  • Also check out "Will my horse level up with me?" below.

What is the best mount?

This depends on individual horses and what you are looking for from the horse (i.e. speed, protection, damage or hitpoint bonus). However as a general rule of thumb, the list from worst to best is as follows (you can see why by their stats):

You also get something called a "Khorad-Nur Warsteed"... I'm unsure what the equivalent of this is but it seems to be a mid-range horse. They're also referred to as Orcish Warsteeds.

Will my horse level up with me?

I'm currently researching horse leveling. I've had the same Heavy Warhorse now from Bronze (we're now in Platinum). As the horse levels he will gain a higher hp bonus (seems to go up 1% every 2 levels). However I'm not yet sure just how much exp the horse needs to level. The leveling process occurs independently of the character, but it would seem you do need to fight on your horse in order for it to get experience. Currently my horse gives 4% more hp bonus than the best horse to buy in Platinum.

How can I heal my mount?

There are two ways to heal your mount. One is to drink a potion whilst you are mounted on it. This will heal you both (note that if somehow your horse is damaged but you aren't, the potion will have no effect). You can cure your horse of poison in this way as well by drinking an antidote potion. The other way is to visit the horse trader. Click on the trader while your horse is near, and a window will pop up. At the bottom will be two options: Heal or Sell. If your horse needs healing then just above these options will be a red number called the healing cost.

How can I improve my riding skill with items?

If you really don't want to put many skills into riding, try to wear a lot of "+ to all skills" equipment. It can be a very effective way to boost all your skills and means you can get away with only putting one point into riding if you wish. It is also possible to get equipment with a + to riding on it. These seem to be fairly rare but there are uniques and set items now with it on. One set with nice riding bonus is the Arhles T'gaws set for the Vampiress.


Miscellaneous and Bugs

What are these Immortal/Dragon/Daemon/Faeries Crossing horses?

One of the side quests in the game is based at Faeries Crossing and involves bringing a niece back to her 'uncle'. Upon doing this you find that the horses nearby are in fact daemons and he is not her uncle. The importance of these two horses are that they are, in fact, immortal. To get these horses, simply get to Faeries Crossing, then go into the small clearing at the edge of the forest just north-west from the town. Then simply get on them! Do not attempt to do the quest unless you log out and back into the multiplayer server, or start a new game in single player.
The benefits of these horses... well for any character other than Hardcore, they are probably of some use. In Bronze the horses have the stats:
Level 72
Speed 140
HP Bonus 13%
0 Riding Required
and, as mentioned, are immortal. This means if you get hit, although you will take damage, the horse won't. This means that you can die and respawn, and not have to buy a new horse. These horses are probably less useful in Hardcore however as you can't respawn there and so you might as well get a horse that has much higher benefits to your character. They were also far
more useful in Plus, where horses died frequently as they didn't share your health.

What bugs are there with Riding?

Right now there are two main bugs. One is very easy to reproduce and very annoying, but only affects Ring of Ice Battle Mages. The other can affect anyone using a horse but seems to be very rare.

Ring of Ice: Basically this occurs if you cast Ring of Ice on horseback either whilst petrified/magically entangled or just before becoming petrified/magically entangled by an enemy priest or shaman. Whilst the Ring of Ice remains, you will not be able to move on horseback, although you can get off and run around. This always happened in Plus. However, in Underworld you will find that after the ring has disappeared, the horse will still not move. You can run away from the horse, then call it, and it will appear somewhere on the screen but will still be 100% frozen. The only thing to do is to buy a new horse. If you are lucky when you call the old horse at the horse trader, it will appear near enough to be able to sell it, but 9 times out of 10 you can't even do that. Fixed in 2.24

The second bug just seems to occur randomly, and I have no idea what causes it. Basically if you click the horseshoe to call your horse, sometimes you will find that nothing happens. Your character will not whistle and the horse will not appear. I don't know if logging out then back into a game will fix this, but I think the game basically treats you as no longer having a horse. Again, the only way to fix this that I've found is to buy a new one.


Disappearing saddle: Sometimes if you leave your horse, or even are riding round, the saddle/bridle will just drop off. Sometimes it will appear on the ground, other times it just vanishes. To combat this, whenever you log out or save, ctrl-right click the horseshoe icon to put the saddle/bridle into your inventory.

Disappearing horse:
always save or log out whilst mounted on your horse, or you may find the horse has disappeared when you load/log back in and will have to buy a new horse.

Possible bug -Llama8 brought this to my attention which may or may not be a bug:
You can totally ignore the part of riding that says that you need to level Riding up to get higher level horses (other than hitting Riding 25 for the Warhorse), my Sera has 27 Riding & is using a level ~120 horse from Gold (which gives +66% health).

If you have anything you want to ask, or want me to add into this FAQ, please PM me or reply to this topic. I will update whenever I research something new, but also feel free to check out Pevil's Place as I have more room for more in-depth findings there (mainly when I get a table up of what each level of riding will give you). Thanks to Llama8 for contributions to this guide.


Fighting Tactics

HIT AND RUN (the drive by shooting, mail boxing)

For the curious, by mail boxing I mean two people in a car, one driving, the other on the passenger side with the window rolled down, a baseball bat, and random mailboxes as targets. Don't do this! It's property damage and not very legal or safe!

A horse is fast. A fast horse with a magic saddle can go faster than people on foot. Even a normal horse (lets take a random nag) and a person with no ride skill is faster than the VAST majority of enemies in the outdoor areas of the game. So you can run faster than they can. Hit and run uses that. You're literally running up to something, unloading Combat Arts or melee attacks, and continuing to go past them to loop around and do it again.

Hard Hit is a good classic, and a staple of my own cavalry tactics. It's a massive blow, lots of damage, with some recharge time. Recharge time, by the way, which you get through while running past your opponent and looping around to hit them again. So effectively, every blow becomes a Hard Hit, with your opponent not able to hit you back as effectively because you're not staying around to be hit. This also works really well with a bow (thus the drive by shooting). And is as it sounds. Ride up, unload a volley (for a wood elf, imagine multi-shot, and say explosive arrow or other spread attacks. It's similar to a barrage of explosive missiles on a clump of enemies), and ride away before they can smack you (if there's anything left).

THE CHARGE (bum rushing, bull rushing)

We've all seen movies of mounted knights, heavy cavalry running through opponents and crushing them like a sledgehammer. That's what this is.

One thing to think about: When you have a combo equipped in a hotkey, or a Combat Art you can't do mounted, it switches to the Horse Combat Art. A radius of trample and stun around your steed. This radius has a duration. Try popping this radius off, then running into a group of two or three opponents (a small cluster). Sometimes they'll be stunned or dazed, and damaged. All the better. I don't know if there are Combat Arts usable while mounted with a stun effect, or items that have them, but that would be useful right about now too. Essentially, instead of going for a Hit and Run, you're going for a Hit and pulverize and slaughter in a massive onslaught of pain. If you can stun the baddies and kill them before they respond, so much the better.

Now, there is a caveat here. Do not get "stuck in." A cavalry person "stuck in" is worse off then a melee person in the same situation, generally speaking.
What about that Protection Bonus you ask? A good question. It is true that being mounted gives you more defense than the same person on foot. It is also true that when you're swarmed by a horde of 10 or 20 monsters and don't have a radius attack like Multi-hit anymore because you're mounted, it's only a matter of time until they get lucky and overwhelm you with sheer numbers. Enough six year olds can tackle and pin most any adult. Might take 5, might take 10, might take 50, but they can do it by sheer mass and numbers.

Hard Hit works very well here. That's typically one baddie dead instantly. A good solid melee attack helps a lot too, as a ranged archer typically won't use this, they'll drive by or kite. Now, having a good deal of Armor (both the items and the skill), Agility, Parry, and a horse with a lot of physical resistance will work wonders, as while you're crushing the oncoming blows will tend to bounce off. My horse has over 300 hp. It takes about 1/10th the damage I do. If they have a hard enough time hitting and damaging me, let alone my horse, we're usually pretty good actually I said at the beginning do not stop moving, and you are not invincible. This tactic is where we gamble with the line of what we can and cannot take. A charge from a prepared cavalry person, with superior Armor, protection, and firepower from things like Hard Hit, hits well.. Hard. Just hit hard enough that you can take them out.. before they take you out. You don't have combos, often your speed of attacks suffers compared to an infantry-person. In a prolonged battle, those things are key.

Don't let it become prolonged and be ready to use our next maneuver...


You've all been there... the fight that was supposed to be easy became killer. You're low on potions, your Combat Arts and spells are all used up, your life is plummeting slowly but surely, and if you're in Hard Core, you're probably ready to change into your brown pants. "If only I could get out of this ring of 20 bad guys!" You say. Well now you can! (and for only $19.95 plus shipping and handling... ) Seriously though, horses really really help getting out of a tight spot.

Lets review the Horse Combat Art. It is a radius of trample damage and stun around your horse. This means anything you move near or next too takes a small amount of damage and might be stunned for a second. By the way, your speed is probably between 160-220 or higher with magic saddles and really good horses. Their speed, is well, not. One second is all you need... I was able to take on 10 to 20 ice elves at once, plus priestesses, while staying mounted several times. How? By hitting and killing 1 or 2, then performing a Break Out, using a potion to recharge my life, waiting for my Combat Arts to recharge, then repeating the procedure. It was a bit more tricky when on foot, because I couldn't flee.. I could just swing and pray. Hitting that horse combat art, riding through slim gaps between your opponents at a speed greater than they can follow, and it's off to the races. A race that you will probably win. This lets you recharge, get a plan, and come back under your terms, in a fight you can win. Yes, they'll get a few shots at you as you flee.. this is where the protection value and generally high physical resist of horses and saddles saves your bacon. You can probably last one or two shots while getting distance between you and them. And hopefully saves on the brown pants.


This has worked extremely well for me as a wood elf when I've had to use it (or chose to for sheer silliness). It would also work for any ranged spell caster or ranged combatant as well.

This goes back to our primary asset: speed. When you can outrun your opponent, but they're ran by computer AI and will still chase you not caring about their own safety, you have a very good situation here. Because you can by quirks of the keyboard and holding mouse buttons, shoot behind you as you're running past them Oops.. gosh, too bad for the bad guys back there. It's a little more tricky for a spell caster, because you may have to run a ways, get distance, stop the horse, cast your spell, then run and get your safety bubble space back again. I do recommend the long range far out view for this. It's still in bowshot range, and lets you see what's going on adequately. A horse archer really wants that wide angle lens.

Now, it's true enemy archers and spell casters can hit back. That's why they are your primary target. If you're going to play the range game, you HAVE to establish range superiority. You have to be the only thing around with range. That way, you can kill them when they can't hit you. War is not about honor, it's about survival boys and girls. Duels are about honor. Last I saw, Sacred wasn't a duel The bad guys certainly don't try to fight fair, why should you? Kill the archers, kill the spell casters.. quickly, and efficiently. Then, engage melee opponents at your leisure. They can't hit you before they die or try feebly to catch you. Stinks to be them, doesn't it?


There are many times you simply don't want to get involved in fights with petty baddies, are simply traveling from point A to point B and there aren't magic teleporters around, or are on a quest with limited time, or feeble NPCs to protect. This is when you really want a horse.

Primary asset again, say it with me: speed. You can simply ride past them, and by the time they clued in you're there, you're already gone. You can ride around them, use terrain against them, and ignore them. This works GREAT for those "escort the feeble idiots to somewhere else" quests. You take off like a rocket, the NPCs try to follow. The monsters try to follow. They fail of course, but they try. Now, the game is programmed so the NPCs will periodically leap-frog-teleport to your location, regardless of where they were or how far behind you they are. So, you really don't have to wait for them, nor do they stay in one place long enough for the monsters to kill them. Makes their survivability go up a lot, really. Although it is disconcerting to be riding through a forest or something, leave your NPCs in the dust, and suddenly have them appear in front of you (Why didn't I know about that shortcut? I would have used it...) I haven't lost an NPC in an escort quest yet, mostly due to this. I simply ignore everything else, and concentrate on getting to where I need to be as quickly as possible. And mounted, that's really darn quick.

Note, avoid anything that "roots" you while doing this. Although even if they root you, chances are they're far enough behind you that by the time they get in the same screen as you, you've already gotten the ability to move again and can outrun them more. Or you have a minor scuffle and kill them, then run some more.

To view Pevil's original post of the Official Forum CLICK HERE

Also check out Pevil's Place... she created a great site!

Horse Colors

Bay Brown Dapple Gray
Flaxen Chestnut Liver Chestnut Orcish Warsteed
Palomino Pinto Undead

Big thanks to KaariNovember for a large amount of the horse colors!


Color Key
Bay Orcish Warsteed
Brown Palomino
Dappled Gray Pinto
Flaxen Chestnut Undead
Liver Chestnut White


Horse Dealers

Horse Dealer Color Horse Classes
Bellevue Light Nag
Braverock Castle Light War Horse x2
Heavy Riding Horse
Normal Riding Horse
Light Riding Horse x2
Normal Nag
Heavy Nag
Bravewall Normal Riding Horse x2
Heavy Riding Horse
Light War Horse
Normal War Horse
Crow's Rock Castle Light Nag
Normal Nag
Heavy Nag x2
Light Riding Horse
Normal Riding Horse
Florentina Normal Nag x2
Heavy Nag
Fungi Hillock

(Haduk Village)

Heavy Nag
Normal Riding Horse
Light War Horse
Hedgenton Light Riding Horse
Normal Riding Horse
Heavy Riding Horse
Khorad-Nur Light Nag x2
Mascarell Light Nag
Normal Nag
Heavy Nag
Light Riding Horse
Normal Riding Horse x2
Mystdale Castle Light Riding Horse
Heavy Riding Horse x2
Light War Horse
Normal War Horse
Heavy War Horse

Horse Dealers

Horse Dealer Color Horse Classes
Oasis of Ahil-Tar Heavy Nag
Light Riding Horse
Normal Riding Horse
Heavy Riding Horse
Pirate Island Heavy War Horse
Porto Vallum Light Nag
Normal Nag
Heavy Nag
Purgatori Normal War Horse
Heavy War Horse
Silver Creek Light Nag
Normal Nag
Slater's Grave Light Riding Horse
Normal Riding Horse x2
Trading Post Light Nag x2
Normal Nag x2
Tyr-Fasul Heavy Nag
Light Riding Horse
Heavy Riding Horse
Urkenburgh Light Nag
Normal Nag
Heavy Nag
Wolfdale Normal Riding Horse
Heavy Riding Horse

Horses in the Wild

Location Color Horse Classes
Silver Creek: "Adelina's" horse Light Nag
Kahari Normal Riding Horse
Nomad-Nur Light Riding Horse
Porto Vallum: Orc Camp (South) Light Nag x2
Urkuk Portal Light Riding Horse
Tyr-Hadar: Priestess Camp (North) Light Nag x4
Faeries Crossing: "Family Ties" Light Nag x2
Braverock: "Rescue of a Noble Lady" Light Nag x2
Mascarell: "Boris Richfield's" horse Light Nag
Bravewall: East of "Desecration" statue Light Nag
Boris Richfield's horse is unique in the sense that it isn't really wild. If you click on the horse you will get the following message and be able to "steal" the horse:

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